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About us

Our mission

We want to make education accessible to vulnerable and underprivileged children. These children otherwise have to travel far for often substandard education. By building a school we want to give the children and the community near Jos, Nigeria, a better start.

In the school we want to offer not only basic education, but also lessons in practical skills, counseling and guidance. In this way, children will not only learn to read and write, but will also be able to develop better on a personal level. In this way, the children can exert a stronger, positive influence on the community as they grow older themselves.

In the run-up to building the school, we also want to actively engage in the community. By involving the community and supporting local initiatives, we hope to create support, and we believe that the positive influence of the school will be further strengthened. As a foundation, we want to invest in the community as a safety net and we aim to offer the children a safe (learning) environment. We believe that a strong community will increase the positive impact on children's lives.

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Onze missie

Our vision

Nelson Mandela once said, "Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world." By investing in the youngest generation, it can develop better and leave an indelible impression on the world. Improved access to education results in higher prosperity, lower crime and less poverty.  


The Hope for Life Africa Foundation is committed to making good education and skills accessible to vulnerable and underprivileged children, so that they can hope for a good future. We want to involve the entire community in this, so that education is not only for the future, but also for today. We do not see ourselves as benefactors who 'will just solve the problems for a while', but are happy to give part of our time and energy to this community, so that together they can lay a promising foundation for future generations. We want to bring hope not only through an education program, but also through life skills, counseling and guidance. We do this from our Christian background.

Onze visie

It takes a village to raise a child

Old African Proverb



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I am Dachung Dankot, chairman and co-founder of the Hope for Life Africa foundation in the Netherlands. I am from Jos, Plateau State, Northern part of Nigeria. I currently live in the Netherlands, together with my wife, Hanneke, and daughter, Eliana Niri. Together we are part of an international church community (International Christian Fellowship), and we have worked with an international Christian student group (Navigators).

My passion is to be able to work in the public sector, in schools etc. to help the weak in society. I love being able to help and serve people. Serving and helping people is my passion, regardless of their cultural background or skin color. As co-founder and chairman I am delighted to be part of the Hope for Life Africa foundation. The foundation arose from the shared passion that all our board members share.

Everyone has the right to basic necessities for living, such as food, clothes, shelter and education to live a life. I therefore believe that education is an essential part of our human rights. Rich or poor, he or she, no matter who they are or where they come from, we all have the right to education.



My name is Renate van Eijk, I am the secretary of this foundation. For as long as I can remember , I have been drawn to faraway places and other cultures. When I was 21 I set foot on the African continent for the first time, and almost immediately lost my heart there. The wild beauty and the joie de vivre, but also the raw poverty and inequality of opportunity touched me enormously - and have not let go of me.
Where many
  If the problem is too big to just solve, I am convinced that smaller projects can also have a great effect. All that is really needed there is someone who cares about another.  That is precisely why I am so enthusiastic about the projects that we want to carry out. By turning to the smallest, we can influence established systems in the long term.
I like to use my
background in communication science for the benefit of this foundation. I hope we can connect as many people as possible, to give as many children access to education.




My name is Jeske Bart – Laagland Winder and I am proud to bear the title of treasurer within this foundation. Ever since I was a child, I was drawn to the missionary work done by people from our church. From an early age I had the desire to go to developing countries to contribute there.

When I was 15, I had the opportunity to do so during a two-week missionary trip to Uganda.  But I really lost my heart to Africa (or in my case more specifically: Ethiopia) when I went on a seven-week internship during my Bible school year at the Wittenberg in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia. Together with a friend I stayed for seven weeks in a small apartment in an ordinary Ethiopian street and we worked at a special school for handicapped children. Here I experienced what real gratitude and real freedom is. I was deeply moved by the people who, in all their simplicity and with so few possessions, were so grateful for small things.  

As I opened myself more and more to God to send me where necessary, I got to know my husband. My husband and I would like to dedicate our lives to the service of God. I consider it a blessing that I can now contribute to the realization of the plans of Hanneke and Dachung in Nigeria with my financial knowledge and other God-given gifts, and with my passion for development work. For now it's enough to keep my beating missionary heart busy, and who knows what the future will bring... 


Algemeen bestuurslid

My name is Hanneke Dankot-de Bie, founder and general board member of our foundation.  Born in the Netherlands, but with a soft spot for Africa. And a passion to do something about all the injustice in the world.

Ever since I was a child, I said that when I grew up I would go to Africa—preferably as a missionary. Since then I have adapted all my choices to achieve this goal. I studied social work, specializing in development work.

My first encounter with Africa was through a mission organization when I was 18 years old.  In the meantime I have been back and forth several times and also met my husband there. We discovered that we have the same passion to do something about all the injustice in the world and started our foundation with that idea. We believe that the future belongs to the children, and if we can offer them a future, they will in turn contribute to a more just world. 

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Algemeen bestuurslid

Bas van Kleij is het tweede Algemeen Bestuurslid. Hij is getrouwd met Corien en vader van dochter Juna. Met zijn scherpe blik en achtergrond in de financiële economie is hij een fijne aanwinst voor het bestuur.



"Ik ben ervan overtuigd dat onderwijs toegankelijk hoort te zijn voor iedereen, ongeacht je achtergrond. Daarom draag ik er graag aan bij om dit op lokale schaal te verwezenlijken. Ik zie ernaar uit om de komende periode het werk van de stichting met elkaar verder uit te bouwen!"



Accountability board

-The board members have no interests that fall outside the goals of the foundation.

-The board members do not carry out activities that conflict with the interests of the foundation.

-The board performs its duties voluntarily and does not receive any compensation for the work it performs. Only necessary expenses may be claimed.

-Stichting Hoop voor Leven Afrika aims for the common good and has no profit motive.

-The foundation is transparent about its activities and publishes official reports publicly.


Goals 2020-2021

-Increase brand awareness of the foundation
-Building a solid group of sponsors
-Building and strengthening relationships in the community



Long-term goals

-Build and maintain relationships in the community
-Construction of the teaching location
-Providing education, practical skills lessons and spiritual support to children.
-Within 10 years we hope to congratulate the first batch of students with completing the educational program.




Via the links below you can find extensive, recent reports of our activities. Do you have questions? Please let us know!


Hope for life Africa Foundation

The Hope for Life Africa Foundation is a registered foundation. Do you have questions? Don't hesitate to contact us!

Email :

Phone number :+31 6 36297526

Account number : NL21 INGB 0009 6211 69

RSIN:  861539825


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